
Meet Bruce Meyer
Like so many others, photography has been a part of my life from childhood, in fact at the age of eleven I had already setup my own makeshift darkroom complete with a borrowed Durst enlarger and developing trays, in the corner of a bedroom I shared with my brother.
My first camera was a Kodak Instamatic and purchasing the film and paying for the subsequent development and printing of the photos consumed all of my pocket money and some, so by the age of twelve I was selling newspapers in the city every afternoon after school to make enough money to grow my hobby and eventually buy my first SLR camera, an Olympus OM10.
Today, everyone is a photographer!
Photography is, or at least was, an expensive hobby that meant only a relative few would go on to achieve a status in the community, as a true photographer.
Rocket forward a few decades (quite a few) and the digital photography revolution has made everything much more affordable and therefore accessible to a whole new community of photographers.
In fact the smart phone has become the ubiquitous 'happy snaps' Instamatic camera of today and the iconic Kodak company is no longer the industry power player it was.
What has remained unchanged however is the fact that anyone with a camera of any type can take a picture; a photographer sees the world with a different eye and uses the camera to convey an emotion, a story, a narrative.
Love what you do and do what you love...
My passion in photography is as strong today as it was way back in the innocence of my youth and I continue to embrace the many changes and challenges in the evolution of this wonderful art-form.
My biggest buzz still comes from the sense of achievement I get after successfully completing a photo assignment, whether the subject matter is urban, architectural, event or emotion, I simply look to capture the pure essence of 'that' moment.